5 Ways to Convert JPEG to JPG

بواسطة كارولين ويلسون 9 أكتوبر 2024 تحويل الصورة

Images have been a popular way to deliver your message and express feelings. Among various image formats, جبيغ و جبغ are often used interchangeably. But they may be leading to confusion for some users. You might have come across the need to convert a JPEG to a JPG or even wondered if there’s a real difference between the two formats. This article will walk you through their distinctions and provide 5 methods to convert JPEG to JPG easily.

قائمة الدليل
Part 1. What Are JPEG and JPG?
Part 2. How to Convert JPEG to JPG

Part 1. What Are JPEG and JPG?

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and JPG are both popular image formats used widely across the web and in photography. Technically, they are the same, with JPG being a shortened version of JPEG.

In earlier versions of Windows (specifically MS-DOS 8.3), file extensions were limited to three characters, so JPEG became JPG. On modern systems, both extensions work the same way.

Additionally, there’s a related format known as JPG 2000, which was developed to improve upon the original JPEG standard. JPG 2000 supports better compression, improved image quality, and additional features like transparency. However, it's not as widely adopted as JPEG and JPG.

Check the detailed differences of JPEG, JPG, and JPG 2000:

قياس جبيغ جبغ JPG 2000
نوع الضغط خاسر خاسر Lossy/Lossless
امتداد الملف .jpeg .jpg .jp2
جودة الصورة جيد جيد Better
دعم الشفافية لا لا نعم
حجم الملف واسطة واسطة الأصغر
Adoption Rate عالي عالي قليل
التوافق Universal Universal محدود
Compression Ratio 10:01 10:01 50:1 (lossy)
Editing Support Broad Broad محدود
حالة الاستخدام Web, Photography Web, Photography Archiving, medical

In most cases, there is no need to convert between JPEG and JPG, but if you come across software that only accepts one format or needs a smaller filename, converting is a straightforward process. Let’s explore the various methods to do so.

Part 2. How to Convert JPEG to JPG

Method 1. ArkThinker Video Converter Ultimate

برنامج ArkThinker Video Converter Ultimate أداة متعددة الاستخدامات يمكنها التعامل مع مجموعة متنوعة من تحويلات ملفات الوسائط، بما في ذلك تنسيقات الصور مثل JPEG وJPG. وتوفر في صندوق أدواتها أكثر من 20 أداة لتحرير وتحسين مقاطع الفيديو والصوت والصور. ويتيح لك محول الصور الخاص بها تغيير تنسيق JPEG إلى JPG دفعة واحدة دون أي جهد. فضلاً عن ذلك، فهي متوافقة مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر التي تعمل بنظامي التشغيل Windows وMac، ويمكنك استخدام محول JPEG إلى JPG هذا بحرية على جهاز كمبيوتر سطح المكتب.

الخطوة 1

تنزيل وتثبيت ArkThinker Video Converter Ultimate.

انتقل إلى صندوق الأدوات علامة التبويب وحدد محول الصور.

محول الصور Arkthinker
الخطوة 2

Click on the big plus button to add the JPEG image files.

Arkthinker إضافة صور
الخطوه 3

Choose JPG as the output format. If you need, just click the gear button to adjust the quality and zoom value.

Arkthinker Select JPG Output
الخطوة 4

انقر تحويل جميع لبدء عملية التحويل.

Arkthinker Convert JPEG to JPG

This tool offers bulk conversion and supports high-quality output. Its simple interface and fast conversion are what most users like. But its free version only supports 5 files.

Method 2. ArkThinker Free Image Converter Online

For a completely free option, Arkthinker محول الصور المجاني على الإنترنت allows you to convert JPEG to JPG without any downloads. Although it is a free online JPEG-to-JPG converter, it lets you convert multiple images at one time. Moreover, it is very easy to make the conversion within 3 steps.

الخطوة 1

قم بزيارة ArkThinker محول الصور المجاني website. Select the output format as JPG by ticking the box of جبغ.

حدد إخراج JPG
الخطوة 2

انقر على أضف ملفًا للبدء button to upload your JPEG files. Once the process is done, this freeware will automatically convert JPEG to JPG instantly.

Add Convert JPEG Online
الخطوه 3

After the conversion is done, just click the تحميل الكل button to save all your converted JPG files. Or, you can save the specific images by clicking the تحميل option next to each image file.

Save Converted JPG Files

This online method is very convenient to make the JPEG to JPG conversion on the web via your computer or mobile phone browser. It is free to use, but it only supports up to 40 files and 5MB each.

Method 3. Rename the File Extension

Sometimes, simply renaming the file extension from .jpeg to .jpg is sufficient, as both formats are technically the same. And the steps are easy to follow.

الخطوة 1

Right-click on your JPEG file and select إعادة تسمية.

الخطوة 2

Change the file extension from .jpeg ل .jpg.

الخطوه 3

يضعط يدخل to confirm.

Rename JPEG to JPG

This method requires no software and is very fast to do. The only drawback is that you need to rename each JPEG file one by one. And, sometimes, it may not work in all situations if file associations are strict.

Method 4. IrfanView

IrfanView is a popular and lightweight image viewer that also supports basic image conversions from JPEG to JPG. Using IrfanView, you can quickly convert JPEG files to JPG by simply saving the file with the desired extension. The software is known for its speed and simplicity, making it ideal for basic image conversions without compromising quality. Additionally, IrfanView offers batch processing features for converting multiple images at once.

الخطوة 1

Download and install IrfanView. Open the JPEG file in IrfanView. If you want to convert PNG to JPG, here just need to upload the PNG file.

الخطوة 2

Once the JPEG file is open in IrfanView, go to the ملف menu again.

A dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose the file format and location to save the new file.

Step ”3″


Irfanview Convert JPEG to JPG

This is a Lightweight image viewer and converter tool, but its interface may seem outdated to some users.

Method 5. Preview on Mac

Preview on Mac is a built-in image viewer and editor that can also function as a quick and easy JPEG to JPG converter. Since JPEG and JPG are essentially the same format with different file extensions, Preview allows you to open a JPEG image and export it as JPG by simply using the Export option under the File menu. You can choose the desired format, adjust quality settings, and save the file with a .jpg extension, making it a convenient tool for converting images without needing additional software.

الخطوة 1

Open the JPEG file in Preview. Double-click the file to open it in the Preview app. If Preview is not the default app, right-click on the file, select مفتوحة مع، و اختار معاينة.

الخطوة 2

Once the file is open in Preview, click on ملف in the menu bar at the top left corner of the screen. From the drop-down menu, choose يصدّر. This option allows you to save the file in different formats.

معاينة خيار التصدير
الخطوه 3

In the Export dialog box, you'll see a شكل dropdown menu. Ensure جبيغ is selected, as Preview does not distinguish between JPEG and JPG.

Preview Select JPEG
الخطوة 4

Below the حفظ باسم field, you can manually change the file extension from .jpeg to .jpg if necessary. Simply delete the e in .jpeg to make it .jpg.

الخطوة 5

If you want to adjust the image quality, use the جودة slider. Moving it towards Best increases quality but also the file size.

الخطوة 6

Choose the destination folder where you want to save the converted file. Click يحفظ to complete the JPEG to JPG conversion.

This is the built-in method of converting JPEG to JPG on Mac. Also, it is very easy to complete the conversion. However, it is limited to Mac users.


Converting between JPEG and JPG is generally straightforward and often unnecessary, as they are essentially the same format. However, if you ever need to make the change, the methods outlined above provide 5 options. Feel free to try the methods that work best for you, and remember, both formats offer the same image quality and functionality!

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تقييم: 4.8 / 5 (على أساس 406 الأصوات)

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