Top 5 Audacity Alternatives for Audio Recording and Editing [2024 list]

Által Melvin Pangilinan 2024. október 09 Hang rögzítése

Audacity has long been a go-to audio recorder and editor for many users, particularly those who appreciate its open-source nature and comprehensive feature set. However, as versatile as Audacity is, it does have limitations, such as a lack of advanced features, compatibility issues, and an unfriendly interface. That is why some users seek alternatives to Audacity. In this article, we will uncover 5 programs like Audacity by providing a detailed comparison and in-depth reviews so that you can find the best fit for your audio recording and editing needs.

Audacity Alternative
Part 1. Top 5 Alternatives to Audacity for Audio Recording
2. rész. GYIK
  • Az ArkThinker-nél elkötelezett íróink elfogulatlan, átfogó értékeléseket nyújtanak, hogy megalapozott döntéseket hozhasson.
  • Alaposan kutatjuk és teszteljük az eszközöket, értékeljük a funkciókat, a könnyű használhatóságot, a felületet, a tanulási görbét, a szolgáltatásokat, az árakat, a teljesítményt és a kompatibilitást.
  • Tapasztalt íróink szakértelmüket használják fel a tisztességes értékelés érdekében. Áttekintéseinket a különféle felhasználói igények és használati esetek kielégítésére szabjuk, és arra törekszünk, hogy megbízható forrásként szolgáljunk a rögzítéshez, szerkesztéshez, kreatív szoftverek és segédprogram-véleményekhez.

Part 1. Top 5 Alternatives to Audacity for Audio Recording

1. Adobe Audition

Felület: Windows, macOS

Audacity Alternative Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition is a professional audio editing software that offers advanced features compared to Audacity. Both tools provide multitrack recording, audio editing, and noise reduction capabilities, making them suitable for detailed audio work. However, Adobe Audition distinguishes itself with its extensive suite of features, including advanced spectral editing, adaptive noise reduction, and seamless integration with Adobe's Creative Cloud suite. It also allows for more audio effects and plugins, offers more sophisticated audio restoration tools, and has a more intuitive interface tailored for professional use. That makes it work as a podcast rögzítő szoftver to make your podcasts directly. Compared with Audacity, this alternative provides high-end features and integrations, while Audacity is more accessible for casual users.

  • Professional-grade tools and effects.
  • Multitrack editing and spectral display.
  • Seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Drága előfizetési modell.
  • Meredek tanulási görbe kezdőknek.

Összegzés: Adobe Audition is perfect for professionals who want sophisticated editing capabilities and smooth compatibility with other Adobe applications. However, its cost and complexity might deter beginners.

2. ArkThinker Screen Recorder

Felület: Windows, macOS

Hangrögzítés beállítása

ArkThinker képernyőfelvevő is primarily designed for capturing screen activity and audio, making it a versatile tool for creating video tutorials and recording live streams. While it differs from Audacity, which is a dedicated audio editing software, ArkThinker offers features like audio recording alongside screen capture, which can be useful for users who need both video and audio in their recordings. Similar to Audacity, it allows for recording high-quality audio and includes options for adjusting audio input levels, noise enhancement, etc. However, ArkThinker Screen Recorder lacks advanced audio editing features like multi-track editing and extensive effects that Audacity provides, focusing more on real-time recording and video integration.

  • Felhasználóbarát felület.
  • Screen and audio recording capabilities.
  • Affordable one-time purchase.
  • Limited advanced audio editing features.
  • No multitrack editing.

Összegzés: ArkThinker Screen Recorder is perfect for users who need a simple, affordable tool for recording audio and screen activity. However, its lack of advanced editing features might not satisfy professional users.

3. Reaper

Felület: Windows, macOS, Linux

Audacity Alternative Reaper

Reaper is a flexible digital audio workstation (DAW) that functions as a robust alternative to Audacity for audio recording tasks. Like Audacity, Reaper allows for multi-track recording and basic audio editing and supports a wide range of audio file formats. Both platforms offer a range of effects and plugins for enhancing audio. However, Reaper distinguishes itself with more advanced features such as comprehensive MIDI support, a customizable interface, and a robust scripting environment for automation and extension. Unlike Audacity, which is primarily focused on straightforward audio editing, Reaper provides a more complex set of tools for professional audio production, including advanced mixing capabilities, detailed automation, and a flexible routing system.

  • Extensive plugin support.
  • Nagymértékben testreszabható.
  • Affordable pricing with a generous trial period.
  • A kezelőfelület túlzó lehet a kezdők számára.
  • Requires manual configuration for optimal performance.

Összegzés: Reaper is an excellent choice for users who want a customizable and powerful DAW at an affordable price. However, its complexity may require a steep learning curve for beginners.

4. GarageBand

Felület: macOS, iOS

Audacity Alternative Garageband

Garázsbanda is a versatile digital audio workstation developed by Apple, primarily designed for music creation and recording. Like Audacity, it offers a range of recording and editing capabilities, including multi-track recording, audio effects, and basic editing tools such as audio cut, copy, and paste. Both programs provide a user-friendly interface for managing audio files and apply various effects to improve sound quality. However, GarageBand distinguishes itself with its extensive library of virtual instruments, pre-recorded loops, and advanced music production tools tailored for creating complex musical compositions. Unlike Audacity, which focuses more on audio editing and recording with a simpler interface, GarageBand provides a richer set of features geared towards music production, making it ideal for users looking to blend recording with music creation.

  • Ingyenes és könnyen használható.
  • Built-in instruments and loops.
  • Compatible with macOS and iOS.
  • Limited to Apple devices.
  • Not as powerful as professional DAWs.

Összegzés: GarageBand is perfect for beginners and hobbyists who want a simple, free DAW with built-in instruments and loops. However, its limitations in advanced features may be a drawback for professional users.

5. WavePad

Felület: Windows, macOS

Audacity Alternative Wavepad

WavePad is a versatile audio editing software that serves as an alternative to Audacity for recording and editing audio. Like Audacity, WavePad offers fundamental features such as multi-track recording, various audio effects, and hangszerkesztés tools for cutting, copying, and pasting audio segments. Both programs support a wide range of audio formats and provide features for noise reduction and audio enhancement. However, WavePad distinguishes itself with a more modern, user-friendly interface and additional features like built-in audio restoration tools, advanced batch processing, and support for a broader range of audio plugins. It also offers a paid version with enhanced features, such as more advanced editing tools and effects, which contrasts with Audacity's open-source, primarily free model.

  • Supports many audio formats.
  • Includes effects, batch processing, and other basic editing tools.
  • Available in both free and paid versions.
  • The free version is limited in features.
  • Interface can feel a bit outdated.

Összegzés: WavePad offers a straightforward and accessible platform for basic audio editing. It has enough features to satisfy beginners, though more advanced users may find it lacking.

2. rész. GYIK

What is the best free alternative to Audacity for recording?

ArkThinker Screen Recorder is the best free alternative to Audacity. It features an easy-to-navigate interface and a budget-friendly price, making it perfect for newcomers and casual users alike.

Are there any cross-platform alternatives to Audacity?

Yes, Reaper is a cross-platform alternative that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It offers extensive plugin support and is highly customizable, making it suitable for users on different operating systems.

Which Audacity alternative is best for professional recording?

Adobe Audition is the best alternative for professional recording, offering advanced editing tools, multitrack support, and seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud. Its features cater to professionals who require high-quality audio production.


To sum up, the 4 alternatives to Audacity mentioned above have distinct features that meet various user needs. Adobe Audition is great for professionals needing advanced tools, while GarageBand is suited for beginners using macOS. Reaper offers compatibility across different platforms and customization options, and ArkThinker Screen Recorder is an affordable choice for simple recording tasks. Depending on what you need and prefer, any of these tools can be a good substitute for Audacity. We suggest you test them out to see which one fits your audio recording needs best.

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Értékelés: 4.8 / 5 (alapján 408 szavazatok)

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