How to Free Resize Images in Paint on Windows 11/10/8/7

Di Caroline Wilson 03 settembre 2024 Modifica immagine

Have you ever needed to resize an image but didn't want to dive into complex photo editing software? Microsoft Paint, a staple on Windows for decades, offers a simple solution. Despite being basic, Paint can effectively resize images, and in this guide, we will walk you through the process of resizing and cropping an image in Paint. Whether you’re adjusting images for a project or need to fit a specific dimension, this post has you covered. So, stick around to discover how to make the most of this classic tool!

Resize Image in Paint
Part 1. How to Resize an Image in Paint
Part 2. How to Crop an Image in Paint
Part 3. Best Paint Alternative for Resizing Without Stretching or Cropping
Parte 4. Domande frequenti

Part 1. How to Resize an Image in Paint

Paint is a basic, user-friendly image editing program that comes pre-installed on Windows 11/10/8/7. It allows you to change image size with just a few clicks easily. Though limited in advanced features, Paint is accessible for quick and simple image adjustments without needing additional software as a Windows image resizer tool.

Resizing an image in Paint is straightforward. Here are the steps:

Passo 1

Launch Microsoft Paint from your Inizio menu on Windows 11/10/8/7.

Passo 2

Clicca su File from the menu bar, and select Aprire to navigate and add the image you want to resize.

Add Image in Paint For Resize
Passaggio 3

Clicca sul Resize and sketch button in the Home tab.

Resize And Sketch in Paint

In the Resize and Skew window, you can resize by percentage or pixels. Use pixels for precise control.

Also, you can enter the new dimensions. Ensure the Maintain aspect ratio is checked to avoid distortion.

Passaggio 4

Once you have set the image size, click on File > Salva come per salvare l'immagine ridimensionata.

Ridimensiona l'immagine su Windows Paint

Riepilogo: I used Paint for quick resizing tasks countless times. One tip is to always save a copy of the original image before resizing, as Paint’s changes are irreversible. A downside is the lack of advanced features, but for basic resizing, it does the job well.

Part 2. How to Crop an Image in Paint

Paint also serves as a straightforward tool for cropping images. You can quickly crop an image by selecting the desired area with the Select tool and clicking the Crop button to remove the unwanted sections. Here’s how to do it in Paint:

Passo 1

As before, start by opening your image in Paint you want to crop.

Add Image in Paint
Passo 2

A frame cursor will then appear around the picture. To crop an image, click and drag the pointer over it. Hold onto your mouse until you are happy with where the crop is placed. If not, you'll have to undo and redo it.

Crop Image in Paint
Passaggio 3

After that, don’t forget to save your cropped image as a new file.

Riepilogo: Cropping in Paint is a breeze, but precision can be challenging. I find it helpful to zoom in for finer control. The downside is the lack of advanced cropping options found in more sophisticated software.

Part 3. Best Paint Alternative for Resizing Without Stretching or Cropping

When it comes to resizing images without the hassle of stretching or cropping, Upscaler di immagini ArkThinker online is a fantastic alternative to Paint. This online tool uses advanced AI technology to resize while maintaining its quality, making it perfect for anyone looking to enlarge their photos without losing detail. This picture enlarger offers a smooth and effective way to resize images with only a few clicks, regardless matter whether you're a skilled photographer or just a casual user.

Passo 1

Open your browser and go to the Upscaler di immagini ArkThinker online website on your computer or mobile phone.

Passo 2

Clicca sul Carica una foto button and choose the picture from your device that you wish to enlarge. The tool supports various image formats, making it versatile for different needs.

Passaggio 3

Select the desired upscaling factor (e.g., 2×, 4×, 8×). This determines how much larger the final image will be compared to the original. The AI algorithm will process your image and upscale it according to the selected factor. This process usually takes just a few seconds. You can preview its after-upscaling effect here.

Passaggio 4

Clicca sul Salva button to store the image on your device.

Ridimensionare l'immagine su Windows Arkthinker

Riepilogo: This image resizer is incredibly user-friendly and efficient. The tool’s AI does a remarkable job preserving detail and reducing noise, even at higher upscaling factors to enhance images to 4K.

However, the program can only work with an online connection, so it could be a pain if you need to upscale photographs offline.

Parte 4. Domande frequenti

Come ridimensionare un'immagine PNG?

Per ridimensionare un'immagine PNG, puoi utilizzare uno degli strumenti sopra menzionati: ArkThinker Image Upscaler per risultati di alta qualità, Paint per il ridimensionamento di base o Image Resizer per l'elaborazione batch.

Puoi ridimensionare un'immagine per ingrandirla?

Sì, puoi ridimensionare un'immagine per ingrandirla. Strumenti come ArkThinker Image Upscaler sono progettati per ingrandire le immagini mantenendo o migliorando la qualità.

Come ridimensionare un'immagine in Paint senza perdere la qualità?

In Paint, per ridurre al minimo la perdita di qualità, assicurati di mantenere le proporzioni durante il ridimensionamento ed evita un ingrandimento eccessivo. Tuttavia, per una migliore qualità, considera l'utilizzo di strumenti avanzati come ArkThinker Image Upscaler.

Qual è il tasto di scelta rapida per ridimensionare un'immagine?

There isn't a specific shortcut key to resize an image in Paint. It would help if you used the Resize button in the toolbar.


Resizing images in Paint is simple and effective for basic tasks, but it has limitations. Cropping is also straightforward but lacks advanced features. For more complex needs, ArkThinker Image Background Online is a fantastic alternative, offering better quality and flexibility. Explore these tools to find what works best for your needs, and start resizing with confidence today!

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