How to Make an Image Transparent - Google Slides [2024]

Google Slides is a free online platform. It supports cloud services and lets you save files online and access them from any device. There are many students, teachers, designers, etc., who love to create presentations using Google Slides. However, it’s hard to create attractive presentations without the application of transparent images and text. Fortunately, this post will tell you how to make an image or shape transparent today. Then, you can heighten the subject, create special visual effects, and add more design elements to the work. Now, start exploring!

Make an Image Transparent in Google Slides
Part 1. How to Make an Image Transparent in Google Slides
Part 2. How to Make a Shape Transparent in Google Slides
Part 3. Best Google Slides Alternative to Make a Photo Background Transparent
Part 4. FAQs of Making an Image Transparent

Part 1. How to Make an Image Transparent in Google Slides

Google Slides is suitable for making an image transparent in your presentation. And the operating process is not complex. With the help of it, you can overlay images and highlight some parts accordingly. Now, read the following steps below.

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Доступ Google Slides and create a blank presentation. Then, click Insert to add an image to the menu bar.

Insert Image to Google Slides
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Click the image directly. Then, click Формат вибирати Format options. Now, you can navigate to the right side. Click коригування to adjust the Непрозорість level.

Adjust Image Opacity Google Slides
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After setting, the image's transparency changes will be saved automatically. Meanwhile, you can make other changes, such as Яскравість і Контраст.

The interface is so friendly that beginners can make images transparent with a few clicks. You can also use Google Slides to set a transparent shape. Follow the next part here!

Part 2. How to Make a Shape Transparent in Google Slides

Making a transparent shape in Google Slides is another way to enhance presentations and create visually appealing designs. You can incorporate transparent shapes to add depth and dimension to your current slides. And you can add depth and dimension to your slides by using transparent shapes. Now, explore how to do it.

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Доступ Google Slides and create a shape by clicking Вставка on the menu bar. Then, choose Форма to add one. For example, you can choose a Rectangle shape.

Add a Shape to Google Slides
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Тепер натисніть кнопку Rectangle shape and select Fill color at the top of the toolbar. Then, choose your favorite color and click Custom. Next, you can drag and pick the color transparency for the shapes you like.

Pick Shape Color Transparency
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When you are satisfied with the result, click the в порядку button to save the shape transparency. Now, you can further adjust the size and add more shapes accordingly.

Примітка: The transparency of images and shapes set on Google Slides can only be saved online. If you just need a tool to adjust image transparency and background, Google Slides may not be the best option. So, you can keep reading the next part to get the best Google Slides alternative.

Part 3. Best Google Slides Alternative to Make a Photo Background Transparent

Compared to Google Slides, ArkThinker Засіб для видалення фону is a professional tool for adjusting the image transparency online. And it is completely free! This background remover can make your image background transparent automatically with the help of AI technology. It also supports changing the background color to white, black, grey, red, pink, etc. Besides, it allows you to change the background to a photo and crop selectively. Now, have a try!

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To make the image transparent, you can access Google Slides alternative online. You can add a photo to the main interface by clicking Додати файл на старт.

Add Picture to Main Interface
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After uploading, the subject will be recognized automatically. Now, you can drag and adjust the selected area manually.

Remove Background Automatically
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Once selected, click the Завантажити button to save the photo with a transparent background. With the help of this online tool, you can remove the background in seconds. And you can also use it to remove object from photo відповідно до ваших потреб.

Part 4. FAQs of Making an Image Transparent

How to make text transparent in Google Slides?

First, you can choose the text in Google Slides. Second, click Формат in the top menu bar and choose Прозорість. Third, adjust the transparency of the text as you need. Finally, you can click Закрити поки ви не будете задоволені.

What type of image does Google Slides accept?

Google Slides supports various image formats for importing. It usually supports JPEG (JPG), PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF/TIF, and SVG formats. However, you should note that it has limitations on the size of the images you can upload.

Is Google Slides better than PowerPoint?

There's no definitive answer to this question because different people have different usage habits and requirements. Google Slides and PowerPoint are both powerful tools, so you can try and choose one to use accordingly!

Why is my PNG image not Transparent in Google Slides?

Here are some reasons. On the one hand, your PNG was originally a vector image so that it might display as a color logo with a black box instead of a transparent background. On the other hand, if your PNG is not in RGB format, it also can’t display the transparency effect.


Transparency is important for emphasizing key elements, adding depth to your Google slides, and creating an amazing visual flow. By following the simple guide above, you can adjust the transparency of images in Google Slides. Then, you can enhance your presentations and create visually appealing slides. You can also try different transparency levels to achieve the desired effect for your specific presentation needs. Of course, you can also try the Google Slides alternative, ArkThinker Background Remover, to delete the background automatically. If you have other questions about making an image transparent in Google Slides, залишайте свої коментарі тут.

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Рейтинг: 4.9 / 5 (на основі 593 голоси)

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